热烈祝贺李廷怀大师荣获2023 胡润全球陶瓷榜极具影响力陶瓷艺术大师荣誉称号
Rupert Hoogewerf
胡 润 百 富
2024年4月17日,由胡润研究院与元正文化联合发布了“元正文化·2023胡润全球陶瓷榜”活动在上海世博洲际酒店举行。同时发布了“全球十大艺术陶瓷城市”“全球极具影响力陶瓷艺术家”等榜单。 来自河南宝丰县的中汝廷怀文化科技有限公司董事长、汝瓷国礼创作提供者、中华人民共和国突出贡献专家、中国陶瓷设计艺术大师、国家级非物质文化遗产代表性项目汝瓷烧制技艺的代表性传承人、享受国务院特殊津贴的李廷怀大师再获殊荣,荣获“2023胡润全球陶瓷榜极具影响力陶瓷艺术大师”荣誉称号。
李廷怀,河南汝州人,出生于1952年,专注汝窑、汝瓷事业半个世纪,致力于汝瓷产品的创新研发,其产品包含天青、玉青、豆青、卵青等多种系列,器型达2300余种。多年来,李廷怀坚持守正创新,积极推动陶瓷文化传承创新,发展壮大陶瓷产业,为中国优秀传统文化——陶瓷事业的发展做出了巨大贡献。其创办的中汝廷怀文化科技有限公司,固定资产8300多万元。近年来,该公司在宝丰县新建6个窑炉和60米隧道窑生产线,占地17000余平方米,为推动优秀传统文化创造性转化、创新性发展起到了引领作用。近年来,李廷怀先后研制生产了“龙头杯”“活态瓷健康养生杯”“活态瓷廷怀三宝”“活态瓷健康餐具”等产品,受到了广大人民群众的热烈欢迎,取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益。 目前平顶山市正在大力发展汝窑陶瓷产业,作为陶瓷人,这是我们汝瓷烧制技艺传承人的机遇和挑战。汝瓷仿烧的成功只是让汝瓷烧制技艺得以重现和延续,而我们要思考的是如何为产品赋予新时代特色,让全世界看到汝瓷独一无二的文化魅力。
李廷怀表示。 胡润研究院是胡润成立的专门研究编排世界百富榜及行业鳌头的机构,极具权威性。今年,元正文化产业集团携手胡润研究院,发布"2023全球陶瓷榜,搭建china桥梁,弘扬china文化,开展胡润百富特色产业研究新课题"中国陶瓷产业与传统文化艺术",推进文化自强自信,演绎中国陶瓷魅力,再展陶瓷灿烂文化。
On April 17th, 2024, Hurun Research Institute and Yuanzheng Culture jointly released the "Yuanzheng Culture 2023 Hurun Global Ceramics List" activity, which was held at the Intercontinental Shanghai World Expo. At the same time, the list of "Top Ten Art and Ceramic Cities in the World" and "Most Influential Ceramic Artists in the World" was released. Chairman of Zhongru Tinghuai Culture and Technology Co., Ltd. from Baofeng County, Henan Province, Ru Ci's national gift creation provider, People's Republic of China (PRC)'s outstanding contribution expert, China's ceramic design artist, the representative inheritor of Ru Ci's firing technique, a representative project of national intangible cultural heritage, and Master Li Tinghuai, who enjoys special allowance from the State Council, won the honorary title of "2023 Hurun Global Ceramics List".
Li Tinghuai, a native of Ruzhou, Henan Province, was born in 1952. He has been focusing on Ruyao and Ru Ci for half a century and devoted himself to the innovative research and development of Ru Ci products. His products include Azure, Jade Green, Bean Green, Egg Green and other series, with more than 2,300 types of devices. Over the years, Li Tinghuai insisted on being upright and innovative, actively promoted the inheritance and innovation of ceramic culture, developed and expanded the ceramic industry, and made great contributions to the development of China's excellent traditional culture-ceramics. Its founder, Zhong Ru Ting Huai Wen.